Student Excursions Tropics
Excursion to the Tropics and Subtropics (4907-490)
The Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics organizes approximately every 2 years excursions to the Tropics for advanced semesters in the Masterprograms
The official module includes preperation seminars, group work, topic presentations and reports.
recent destinations:
2017 - Peru
2019 - Vietnam
2023 - Malawi
2025 - not decided yet...
Student Excursion Malawi 2023

Announcement Student Excursion
Agroecosystems of Malawi
opportunities and conflicts
25th February to 12th March 2023
Participants: Master students of AgriTropics, AgEcon and other programs with completed BSc and a particular interest for agricultural sciences in the tropics.
Number of participants: max. 20 students from Hohenheim
Students own financial contribution: ca. € 1000
Description: With more than 80% of the population directly working in the agricultural sector, Malawi is strongly depending on healthy agroecosystems and environments. Market dynamics and population growth have triggered a tremendous spatial expansion of agricultural systems with consequences for Malawi’s entire food systems and also for the environment. The increasing energy demand of the growing population is more and more reducing natural forest resources. In cooperation with LUANAR University, Lilongwe the program of the excursion will introduce the diverse agroecsystems of Malawi and address challenges related to sustainable land use, nature conservation, food security and global change. It is compulsory that all participating students join the module 4907-490 “Excursion to the Tropics and Subtropics” during the winter semester 2022/2023.
If you are interested, apply via ILIAS* until 1st Nov. 2022 with one single PDF file containing:
· your CV
(max. 1 page)
· a letter of motivation
(max. 1 page)
· your study results so far