Master Thesis Oppotunity

Call for Applications: Master Thesis at Centre for Development Research (BOKU)

-- Farming System Changes in the Highlands of Java (Indonesia) --


  • fully funded field stay in Indonesia
  • benefit from joint supervision by Austrian and Indonesian scientists
  • BOKU/ Austrian/ Agrinatura/ GCUA students eligible


In the hilly highlands of Cetral Java, soil erosion, landslides and a changing climate pose a serious threat to the sustainability of farming systems. In Banjarnegara District, agriculture contributes about 40% to the GDP and is thus the central economic activity. Typical crops are maize, cassava, potato and cabbage. Penanggungan and Leksana villages have taken very different pathways in the evolution of their farming systems: in Leksana, the farms are integrated agroforestry systems; in Penanggungan, the focus has been on intensive horticultural production.

Purpose of the thesis:

There is an urgent need to adapt the farming systems to cope with newly arising challenges (such as climate change) and reverse negative trends such as soil erosion. To promote a change towards sustainability, it is necessary to understand why and how Penanggungan and Leksana have taken so different pathways in the past. The purpose of the thesis is thus to analyse the change processes in the two villages, and to identify the key drivers behind these changes.


The topic will require a mixed-method social research design. The first step is to review official and research literature regarding external factors affecting the farming system in the region (e.g. government policy/ program, political context, migration, climate change). The second step is to look at farming system. The third step is to trace the actual evolution of farming systems in Leksana and Penanggungan, trying to explain the different change pathways.

Funding and field work: The travel, cost of stay and field research costs will be fully covered by the Erasmus+ project Food Security and Climate Change. The field work period is August to October 2018. You will be hosted by Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta, who will organize all major logistical issues and integrate you in the project team. You will work jointly with other Austrain students and Indonesian students who work on related topics of sustainability in the two villages (e.g. soil, economics). The preparatory participation in the Sustainability Transitions Summer School (July 14-28 in Malaysia, scholarship provided) is recommended.

Eligibility: the typical candidate with a background:

  1. in agriculture, water, soil, or similar and have a strong interest in questions of social change; or
  2. a social scientist with a strong interest in agriculture and natural resources. A good understanding of emirical social research methods will be helpful. Proficiency in English (communication and writing) is required.

Supervision: you will be jointly supervised by an Indonesian and an Austrian scientist. Formal supervision will be necessary at your home university/ department.

Supervisor Universitas Gadjah Mada: Dr. Arini Wahyu Utami, Department of Agricultural Socioeconomics

Supervisor BOKU: Dr. Lorenz Probst, Centre for Development Research

Application: please apply using this link:

The deadline for application is May 5, 2018.

For any further questions, please contact