Water - People - Agriculture

“Water - People - Agriculture” is a new graduate school of the University of Hohenheim which will focus on integrative solutions related to water issues and conflicts. The graduate school offers 3-years PhD scholarships to national and international candidates. Currently, the research training group is calling for research topics. more
International MSc courses
The degree program, which is focused on research, looks at the economic and agricultural-political relationships among the international agricultural and nutrition economy, the environment, and rural spaces. In this English-language and international Master’s program, funded by the DAAD, sustainability and global justice are key topics.
Globally, the demand for food and limited natural resources is increasing. This international Master’s program therefore follows an interdisciplinary approach in sustainable agriculture in the tropics and subtropics. In cooperation with universities and institutions in over 90 countries, you will be prepared specifically for work in development service.
While studying the entire value chain of bio-based products, the students will focus on the ecological, social, and economic dimensions of bioeconomy on a detailed and a broad level. At the same time they have to consider the innovation required from organizations in the bio-based sector as well as the political framework conditions under which they work.
Crop scientists breed and develop cultivation systems that have high yields and are also ecological and sustainable. The program is therefore designed to train students to take on scientific tasks in research institutions and the private sector, offering a well-founded methodological and biotechnological education for up-and-coming crop scientists.
This degree program looks at the relationships between the use of natural resources in Europe and the effects on the environment and health. You will obtain a double degree from two of the four member universities in the Euroleague for Life Sciences. The partner universities in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and Austria are Europe’s best in the area of environmental sciences.
How can we provide for today’s global population without exhausting the natural resources future generations will need? One of the greatest challenges of the future is how to intensify food production with environmentally friendly and sustainable production systems. That is why this broad Master’s program was developed with many different opportunities for creating an individual profile.
The ecological market is growing worldwide, and consumers are increasingly interested in the quality of food and the sustainable production of food. That is why the demand for experts in the area of organic agriculture is also increasing.
The degree program can be studied as a “single degree” or as a “double degree,” for which the students spend the second year of studies at one of four partner universities.
Climate, soils, land use, and other environmental aspects vary throughout space and time. Landscape Ecology studies how organisms react to such changes in the environment, how interactions of organisms in changing environments influence the dynamics of species communities, and how these dynamics in turn determine ecosystem processes.
International PhD Program
International PhD program Agricultural Economics, Bioeconomy and Rural Development
What does this program offer you?
- A package including scholarship, support to field research and other benefits
- Academic supervision by leading professors
- PhD research on a topic related to your home country
- Participation in international conferences
- Strategic planning for carreer at home country
- Alumni network and a comprehensive re-invitation program
- more
Herrmann - Eiselen Program
The Foundation fiat panis offers grants to support students doing their field research for their Master or in exceptional cases for their Bachelor thesis in developing countries.The thesis research projects are supposed to make a contributions towards allevating malnutrition and food insecurity and/or combating rural poverty.
Research grants GIZ
The Advisory Service on Agricultural Research for Development (BEAF) has a small budget to fund diploma or MSc thesis research at the International Agricultural Research Centers. Students enrolled at German Universities are eligible. Cooperation with projects funded by BMZ are preferred. Application with CV and a letter of recommendation from a university professor should be sent via email to Dr. Marlene Diekmann