DAAD-Alumni Winter School „Can organic farming feed the world?” held from February 03, 2014 to February 11, 2014 in Stuttgart Hohenheim, Germany   [23.07.13]

followed by the participation in the “BioFach” World Organic Trade Fair, February 12 to 15, 2014 in Nuremberg, Germany The programme is organised and hosted by the Center for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics of the University of Hohenheim (www.troz.de) with financial support by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

The Center for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics of the University of Hohenheim announces the International DAAD-Alumni Winter School „Can organic farming feed the world?” held from February 03, 2014 (arrival date) to February 11, 2014 in Stuttgart Hohenheim, Germany followed by the participation in the “BioFach” World Organic Trade Fair, February 12 to 15, 2014 in Nuremberg, Germany.

The programme is organised and hosted by the Center for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics of the University of Hohenheim (www.troz.de) with financial support by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
The winter school is targeting German university alumni from developing countries (according to DAC-list) who are working in research, academic or educational institutions, NGOs, the public sector, development organisations or private enterprises and who are professionally involved in the fields of organic agriculture, certification, quality management, trade and processing along the food chain.

The participants are seen as potential multipliers for the knowledge gained during the winter school and thus should be in a position to disseminate the information and/or to take decisions on implementation. The winter school will facilitate the exchange between the participants in the field of organic farming, social and ecological sustainability, biodiversity, resource management, food sys-tems, trade and processing, poverty alleviation and food security. It contributes to strengthen the network among the professionals in North and South and to promote international scientific cooperation, joint research, technology development and knowledge transfer.

We will address four thematic blocks:

  • The concept of “organic agriculture” (e.g. cultivation methods, multifunctionality of agroecosystems, biodiversity, biocontrol, resource management, best practises and case study assessment)
  • Trade and certification (e.g. the role of organic associations, quality standards and certification, quality control, impact on small holder production/food security/poverty alleviation)
  • Market trends in the agricultural sector – impact on developing countries
  • Strategies for the promotion of organic agriculture in developing countries

The content of the winter school will provide insights into current research activities of Hohenheim related to organic agriculture, sustainable management of natural resources, sustainable diets, biocontrol, livestock production, bioeconomy and general management practices in the fault line between the use and conservation of natural resources and food security.

The encounter with international master students of the module “Organic Farming in the Tropics and Subtropics” offers a platform to discuss and jointly assess case studies of organic agricultural practices for young scientists and experienced professionals. An important part of the winter school will be dedicated to the topic of organic and fair trade standards, certification and quality control whereas representatives of organic associations and certification organisations will enrich the discussions and the exchange with the participants. The program comprises lectures, presentations, discussions, workshops and excursions to organic production sites. At the beginning, we want to jointly share and exchange our ex-periences focusing on potentials and challenges of organic farming regarding the livelihoods of small holders in developing countries. This will lead us to the identification of specific challenges in the different countries and the derivation of specific subjects as well as discussion needs which shall be further worked on during the winter school. A significant part of the programme will be enriched by the participants themselves when presenting case studies and best practices from their home countries and identifying strategies for the promotion of organic farming as well as future joint research opportunities.

Cost coverage
The following costs will be covered by DAAD funds:
• International return ticket to Stuttgart (or Frankfurt)
• Transport from Frankfurt to Stuttgart if necessary
• Transport to and from Stuttgart Airport to the hotel
• Transport to departure airport in Germany
• Entrance fees and transport to the sites visited during the excursions
• Accommodation and partly the living expenses during the stay in Hohenheim
• Travel health insurance for the stay in Germany
• Stay and participation in the BioFach Trade Fair in Nuremberg will be organised and financed by the DAAD separately
All other costs, such as transport from the participants’ home town to their home airport and visa costs for the stay in Germany have to be covered by the participants.

Eligible for participation are persons who meet the following requirements:

  • Resident of a developing country (according to DAC-list)
  • German university alumnus/alumna. A stay in Germany of at least 3 months for study, scientific research or business purposes has to be proven
  • Preferably first time attendant of a DAAD Alumni school
  • Candidates preferably are: Working in the field of organic agriculture, food security, management of natural resources, certification and quality management, processing and trade of organic products
  • Scientists or professionals interested in multiplying and disseminating the acquired knowledge in his/her home country
  • Postgraduate level

Additional information can also be obtained from the DAAD homepage

If you are interested, please send your application by September 30, 2013 by e-mail to: winterschool@uni-hohenheim.de. The application (in English language) must include the following documents in one single pdf-file:

  • Letter of application including your motivation for participation / your interest in the topic.
  • A detailed C.V. (please use this template).
  • Proof of stay in Germany for scientific research purposes, study or work for at least 3 months. Please indicate if you are a PhD candidate.
  • A passport size portrait photograph.
  • A one page abstract on one of the topics related to the topics of the winter school. Arial font type, font size 11, 1.5 line spacing. The abstracts will be presented during the winter school.

The winter school will be held in English.

With your application you agree that your data (name, organization, email) is given to selected company representatives and that you might appear on pictures which will be published on the DAAD website after the event.
With your application you commit yourself to participate in the whole program (summer school, conference visit and social program, February 3-15, 2014).

Travel dates
Arrival: February 03, 2014 (arrival at the airport).
Winter School including excursions: February 4 – 10, 2014
Visit to Organic Trade Fair BioFach 2014 in Nuremberg: February 11-14, 2014
Departure: February 15, 2014.

For any further inquiries please contact the organisation team
Margit Völmle/ Dr. Barbara Ramsperger
Tropenzentrum (790), Universität Hohenheim
Garbenstrasse 13, 70599 Stuttgart
Fax: +49 (0)711 459 23315
Phone: +49 (0)711 459 23543
E-Mail: winterschool@uni-hohenheim.de

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