Ceremony with scholarship holders at the dies academicus 2024 (left: Dr. Andrea Fadani, foundation fiat panis. right: Rektor Stephan Dabbert)
General Information
This program is targeting to support MSc-Thesis projects.
The Foundation fiat panis supports promising young scientists who are committed to making a contribution towards combating hunger and alleviating poverty. Students receive allowances to cover the cost of their study visits to developing countries to complete their diploma or master thesis. The research is conducted in cooperation with national and international institutions and allows students to prepare themselves in a practical way for their possible future involvement in development cooperation. The unbureaucratic support of the Foundation fiat panis is vital for the Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics. It blends ideally with the other aspects of teaching. Around 550 young academics have so far been supported with a total volume of more than one million Euro.